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May 17, 2003 - Saturday

May 17, 2003 - Saturday

Sunny and warm! A perfect day not to work. Unfortunately, I had to!

This morning I woke up to the delicious smell of Fumihiko's coffee. It was great. I decided to check my email while I was getting ready which was a bit of a mistake! My sister sent me some pictures which took a long time to download. We left late to get breakfast.

We drove to McDonalds, but the road was really busy. The reason, the new electronics store. It had just opened and was very popular. Anyway, when we got to McDonalds I was horrified to find out that the special that they used to have, a burger, salad and a drink has been discontinued. So, I decided to order a salad separately. But, they didn't have any salads. I couldn't believe it. I said to my husband "Let's go across the street to Mosburgers, so we did. Over there I had a nice salad, burger sans bun and oolong tea. Yum.

Work was quite good today. I only had two students not show up, but I knew about them both in advance. Classes were fine too.

After classes finished I did up my paperwork quickly and called my hubby to come and get me. Then we went out for dinner. We went to Gyu-oh and had yakiniku and soup. It was really good.

We came home and now we're watching Charade with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. It's fabulous. I heard that they are doing a remake now, but the question is, why? The original is terrific!

Anyway, tomorrow is Sunday and I'm hoping to do some relaxing and maybe some shopping. I'll keep you posted.

Night night.

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