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May 19, 2003 - Monday

May 19, 2003 - Monday

Sunny day.

I had a good if non-productive day! I went to the apartment and slept for a while. Then I watched an exercise video that my sister sent me! It made me tired just watching it! However, it does look like it would be good to try. I also bought my groceries, paid a bill at the bank and did laundry. Nothing too exciting.

I did start watching the Oscar show for this year! It was great! Steve Martin is so funny. I really get a kick out of him. I watched about half of it I think. With luck I'll be able to watch the rest tomorrow.

Fumihiko came to the apartment after he finished work and we took a nap for a while. Then we went out for dinner to Edoichi. It was okay tonight. I didn't overeat for a change! Fumihiko overdid it I think. He ate a lot of sushi and meat!

We came home and I just finished watching ER. It was a really good one tonight. It took place in a storm, and Dr. Weaver had to perform a C-section in an ambulance that was under a power line.

And that was my day! I'll likely go to bed in the next hour or two. But, maybe not!

Good night!

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