Sunny and rainy and a bit cold too!
This morning I went for a great walk! I went out a bit earlier than usual and it was really nice. The only bad thing was that I kept running into kids on their way to school. Still, my walk was good and I felt very good afterwards.
I took a nap afterwards and overslept a bit. Oops. Still, I managed to do everything and leave for work on time, so it was okay.
I wasn't very busy at work today. I only had 4 classes, but they went quite well. I enjoyed them anyway! After work I sold a book to a only took me 2 years to convince him that he needed it! I think it's a good one too, all about idioms and two part verbs.
Fumihiko met me at the apartment and took me to M's Dining. They got my order wrong again! I ordered American Steak and they gave me American Cut Steak. The difference was that mine was more expensive and not precut. I didn't make them change it because I was going to cut it myself anyway!
We came home and had a chat about what to do for Fumihiko's birthday weekend. We may visit with an old friend that weekend, if she comes to Tsuruoka, so I don't know what kind of plans to make. I'd like to take my darling for a nice dinner somewhere and do some kind of special thing for him. I'm different from him, I like to make plans!
Anyway, that's it for me for today. I hope that I'll catch you tomorrow. Bye bye!