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October 2, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy and cloudy all day.

A pretty good day. I napped at the apartment and then watched Roswell. It was a good one, set in the past. I made breakfast and lunch and even set off on foot to go to work.

Work was fine. Most of the students showed up, a couple didn't, one was my fault, the other I'm not sure about. Still, classes were quite good. In my last class we had a good discussion about the environment going.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to the grocery store. We bought some salad and then came home and he cooked dinner. It was nice. However, he'd bought some sashimi that wasn't so great, so he cooked it! It was much better that way. I know, we're crazy.

And that's all that I did today. A good, but quiet day. I'll catch you later...? Night.

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