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October 3, 2003 - Friday

A rainy day again.

This morning it was clear until about five minutes before I left for work! It's not fair. And then it wasn't even a gentle little rain, it was a major downpour. I wore my raincape and carried an umbrella. I walked too. I could have ridden my bike, but I didn't want to run the risk of having an accident.

Work was a bit slow today, but things were fine. I did all of my prep for today and tomorrow and I did precounselling with a couple of students. That was good.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to the apartment to pick up my laundry. He'd tried to do it for me before he picked me up, but he forgot his key! Oops. So, he picked me up and I did it. No problems.

We went to the grocery store to pick something up and ran into a friend of mine. We chatted for a few minutes and I asked her to call me sometime. I'm terrible because I just don't like using the telephone. I know, I'm very strange, but I can't help it. Shades of working at the bank and getting yelled at on the phone by irate customers I guess.

Then Fumihiko and I went to Gyu-oh. It was nice tonight. We didn't have a lot of food. Fumihiko had already eaten and I wasn't too too hungry. I was a bit, but not that much.

We came home and now he's off bathing. I'm just about done for tonight I think. Have a good night!

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