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October 13, 2003 - Monday

Happy Thanksgiving/Health and Sports Day

Rainy day.

There are some times when you go away for a night and you have a great time, and then there are times like this weekend! We couldn't find a hotel in Sendai to stay at and had to drive a very long way just to get a room. I was very tired, still am in fact. I need to get some sleep soon or I'll sleep too long tonight!

After we got up this morning we had breakfast in McDonalds. I was disappointed that they didn't have scrambled eggs any more. I had a sausage McMuffin without the Muffin! It wasn't too bad actually.

We went and parked at The Mall in Sendai, had lunch then went downtown and bought books! I cut loose in Maruzen books and got a lot, for me! I did get some for work, but not that many. Mostly I thought about me. We had coffee at Starbucks afterwards. That was nice for a change.

We drove home and then went to Super Denkodo. I bought some more cds and Fumihiko bought a dvd. Yes, HE bought one! It's a Japanese movie, but it has English subtitles he says, so I'll watch it sometime soon.

We had dinner out and then came home. Fumihiko got yelled at by his Mum, but in a way we kind of deserved it. He hadn't told her that we were going away. Sigh. Those two!

Spent most of the evening at home cleaning up my part of the room (yes, really) and watching ER. I'm planning to sleep very, very soon.

Night night!

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