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Friday, October 17, 2003

Sunny and nice day! Amazing.

Today was good! I went for a walk in the morning, mostly to pick up my bike, but also to get some exercise. I had a good walk and promptly fell asleep when I got back to the apartment. When I woke up I did a couple of loads of laundry and cooked breakfast. It was yummy.

Work was good today. Classes seemed to go really well too. In my last class, the two students and I just had a hoot. It was very funny working with them today!

After work I rode off to the apartment and was met by my sweetie! He waited for me to get my stuff and then we went for dinner. I invited my manager to join us as we went to Benkei. She came after 45 minutes and we had a great time. When we had finished eating we drove her to her apartment and then came home. I started to update my iPod so that I could use it again.

And that's about it. I had a good day. The only bad thing is that I swallowed a bit of tofu at the izakaya and it went down the wrong way. I can't get it out. Oh no! I hope I'll be okay!

Night night!

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