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Saturday, October 18, 2003

Clear and nice, then rainy later on.

I had a busyish day today! I got up a bit late and drank the coffee that my beloved made for me. He's such a sweetie! Then we went out for breakfast. We went to Gusto again. It wasn't too bad. They have a special hamburger that I've been eating lately and I quite like it.

We left a bit late for my work, but we still made it in time. Yay! I got changed and checked my classes and did a bit of paperwork before my first class. I was a little busy today, but not in a bad way. I really like just teaching and not worrying about planning classes!

After classes I finished up my paperwork and then my husband picked me up. Tonight we went to Cocos. I had another hamburger! That was a bit crazy, but okay. I drank a lot of coffee. Way too much coffee! I hope I can sleep tonight.

When we got home I discovered that The West Wing is on a different station than I thought. I had set my vcr in my apartment to tape it for me to watch on Monday, but I had set it to the wrong channel. That means I've missed two episodes of the new season. Sigh. Dammit anyway. I love that show.

Anyway, apart from that, not much else is new. Tomorrow I plan to go and look for Christmas presents. I'm not sure I'm going to buy any, but I sure as heck have to start looking for them. And, we're taking Fumihiko's Mum out for dinner too. It's her birthday next week, but I have to work on the day, so we'll go out tomorrow. Wish us luck! Sometimes these family outings don't work out so well.

I'll catch up with you tomorrow! Night night!

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