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October 19, 2003 - Sunday

Nice and sunny day.

Today was a pretty good day! When I got up, Fumihiko plied me with coffee and then we went out and had lunch. The big news is that I wore my new jeans and a t-shirt that I got at Christmas last year. I looked good! And, I felt good too!

We went for lunch and then went to Vista, the car company. Fumihiko wanted to check out the new car from Europe. We even took a test drive with it, and it was cool. I wouldn't mind if he got it, but he thinks it's too expensive for now. I told him to save his 500 yen coins for a few years! After lunch we went out and looked at souvenir shops all over Tsuruoka. I got a few things for Christmas presents! He he he.

We came home and got ready to go out and then we went! We went to Simon for Fumihiko's Mum's birthday celebration. Fumihiko had told the chef that I couldn't eat starches, and asked for some berries for my dessert, but he didn't listen. I got melon and mango instead. I wasn't too sure about them so I only ate a bit. The rest of the meal was nice though. We had sashimi salad, fish and a main course of beef. It was really nice.

We brought Fumihiko's Mum home and then we went out. I picked up some stuff at my school and then we went to the mall to check out the movie times. There wasn't anything on at that time, so we went to Jusco and wasted some time and money in the amusement center. Then, we just came home.

At home we watched The Princess Diaries. It was quite cute. I really liked seeing Julie Andrews again. And that was that! My day. It was pretty good. Especially the new jeans! I loved them! Night night!

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