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September 3, 2003 - Wednesday

Nice day, after lots of rain in the middle of the night!

This morning poor Fumihiko had to get up very early to go to work. I got up too, just long enough to kiss him goodbye and lock the door after him. Then I went back to sleep.

When I got up I showered and cooked. Then I left for work.

Work was fine, if a bit quiet. For a change I didn't have any private students booked so it was a little peaceful! I got a lot of work done for myself and for decorating the lobby too. Yay me!

After, I met Fumihiko at the apartment and we went to Yoshinoya for dinner. He was really tired and we just wanted something that was quick and simple. Yoshinoya qualified!

We came home and then Fumihiko fell asleep! He's so tired, poor thing. I watched Charmed and now I'm watching Roswell. I expect I'll go to bed fairly soon!

Night all!

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