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September 4, 2003 - Thursday

Sunny and warm today. Is this finally summer?

A pretty good day today. I read a bit of my Marian Keyes at the apartment this morning and did a few rows of beadwork. Then I took a nap. I did all the other stuff I usually do, and go to work in plenty of time.

I was busy today as all of my classes showed up. That's good because the day just flew by! The last couple of classes seemed to be quite good too. Hurray!

After work Fumihiko met me and took me to Gusto for dinner. He's got an early morning tomorrow and that means that I do too. Sigh. I have to get up before 6 am tomorrow and go to the apartment. Oh well. I guess it's not that difficult, but it isn't that easy either.

The moon tonight, I decided looked a bit like a piece of jellied lemon. It wasn't yellow, but it looked like one of those lemony slices things. Mars is still quite bright, but it's waning now I think. That is the astronomy report for this evening! I'm off to bed I think!

Night night!

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