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September 5, 2003 - Friday

Sunny and hot, then lots of rain!

I had to get up very early this morning. It was pretty hard to get up, but I finally did. When I got to the apartment I just went to sleep! I slept for about 2 and a half hours, then got up and did all my usual Friday stuff.

I didn't have a busy busy day at work, but I did have a telephone meeting and I taught a teacher's lesson. That was fun. Classes seemed to go well and everyone that was supposed to come tonight did. I'm glad about that.

After work I arranged to meet Fumihiko at my apartment, then left the school. When I arrived downstairs I realized that it was raining outside. I called him back and asked him to pick me up instead. However, by the time he arrived at the school, it had stopped raining again! So, I asked him to take my backpack and I rode my bike back to the apartment. He picked me up there and we went out for dinner.

Tonight we went to Cocos. It was okay as usual. We both had their drink bar and as it's rather expensive, we drank a lot! That sounds silly, but it is quite expensive. When we finished and came outside it was raining again. When we got near our house it started raining rather heavily. Sigh. It never seems to stop this year.

We came in the house and I discovered that my British movie magazine had arrived. However, it had also been opened. Hmm. My husband swears that he didn't do it, so I know who did. I can't believe it actually, and it really irritates me. I know my mother in law doesn't speak English, but I think she can recognize that something isn't in Japanese and leave it for me to open myself. I'm trying not to make too big of a deal out of it, but in fact it really makes me angry. If customs had opened it, they would have resealed it with customs marked tape and the address label wouldn't have been turned in towards the book! Grr.

Anyway, that's my day so far. I'm looking forward to getting into my movie mag on Monday. Hurray!

Oh, I may not update tomorrow night as I could be going out. Not sure exactly. I'll be back on Sunday if I can't write tomorrow. Adios!

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