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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Hot and sunny day, now rainy and windy. Maybe a typhoon?

A pretty good day. I didn't coffee at home this morning though. Sigh! Oh well. Brunch was at Gusto and it was okay. I had the drink bar which was nice. I got my coffee fix there.

Work was pretty good today. Classes went quite well and I enjoyed myself...I hope my students did too! I hope.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we tried to go to Dan. The parking lot was full and I didn't want to wait for someone to leave so we could get their parking space. We went for yakiniku instead. There's a place we go sometimes called Itchigyu. It's pretty good. We had a combo plate which should have fed 4 people, but did us quite nicely! Last time we couldn't finish it. I wonder what happened.

We came home and spent some time together. Now Fumihiko is sleeping and I'm finishing this up so I can too. Tomorrow is our legal anniversary so we hope to do something fun, weather permitting!

Wish us luck!

Good dreams all....night!

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