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September 14, 2003 - Sunday

Cloudy with bits of rain.

Well, a day that started nicely, but is ending a bit badly. I slept in very late. Fumihiko did his best thumping and bumping around the bedroom to try and wake me up this morning, but I wasn't having any of it. I finally pulled the mask off my eyes around noon. By then I was grateful for my coffee!

We went out for lunch to the Daiichi Hotel. It was okay. There wasn't a lot that I could eat today, but I did well. I loaded up on salad.

We went to the mall to see if there was a movie we could watch and there was...sort of. We went to a preview of Tomb Raider 2. It was quite fun. I enjoyed it a lot. It didn't make any sense if you thought about it, but the stunts were pretty cool. And of course, the villian was Ciaran Hinds. I fell madly in love with him in the wonderful film Persuasion.

After the movie we went to Mikawa's French restaurant and had a lovely meal. I had salmon and Fumihiko had stew. His looked good, but mine was great. I really enjoyed it. Then, we came home.

At home I was writing email and wanted to check about our return from Australia. Well, I just discovered that we're coming back a day earlier than I thought. I am not a happy camper. That means that we only have 3 full days in Australia, not 4. Fumihiko is mad at me for being mad. Don't know why. Nice thing on our anniversary isn't it?

Anyway, the rest of the day was nice so it's a shame to ruin it now. I'll catch you tomorrow I think.

Good night.

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