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Monday, September 15, 2003

Sunny and warm...gorgeous day.

Well, last night my hubby and I were a bit annoyed with each other and I admit I was pretty grumpy when I first woke up. However, I went back to sleep and when I woke up around 11 I wasn't mad any more. Neither was he, so we had a good day!

We went to Cocos for lunch and then we went fishing! We went to Yura. At first we went to Kamo port, but it was really crowded so we didn't stay. We found some space at Yura and fished! Fumihiko caught a couple and so did I. After a couple of hours I needed a toilet break so we drove to another place, took care of business and then found a new place to fish. I didn't have any luck at all...the only thing biting were the flies....on me! Fumihiko caught another 4 fish of them was quite big.

When it got dark and even colder we packed up and went to Edoitchi. Sigh. It was okay, but once again I have an upset stomach. I think that place isn't good for me.

I really wanted to go to karaoke tonight so we did. We went to Maimu near the Alpha One hotel. We only went for an hour, but it was enough. I sang many of my old favourites. The type of karaoke room that we picked didn't have a lot of new stuff though. Of course it could be that I don't know a lot of "new" music either. Could it be? Argh! When our hour was up, we came home.

We watched was very good tonight. Smallpox in the ER. Scary. And that's it. Tomorrow we're back at work.

Night night!

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