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Sunday, September 21, 2003

Cloudy and cool.

I haven't had a great day healthwise. I've had a really upset stomach and my feet have been driving me crazy with itchiness. My cold is still there and I sneeze and then can't breathe. Maybe I should stay home tomorrow and sleep....NOT!

On the other hand, I've had a pretty relaxing day. I bought a new pair of shoes today and then came home and packed. I'm pretty sure that I've packed too much, but I don't care that much! Isn't that terrible? Nope. I'm so glad that Fumihiko listened to me and that we just spent most of the day at home. Starting tomorrow at 7 ish when we get up, we're going to have a very long day.

Well, this is it folks... Tomorrow we're going off to explore the great down under. I'm so excited I hope that I can sleep. Wish us luck!

I won't be updating for a few days, try not to miss me too much! Back around the 28th, so I'll talk to you then. Night night.

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