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September 20, 2003- Saturday

Drizzly but then clear at night.

A busy but mostly good day. I woke up at 10 am and got dressed fairly quickly. We went out for breakfast to Gusto. It was fine, but not great! I did get my "free" cup and plate from them today. It looks a bit cheap to be honest!

Work was fine. I was busy. Although I was scheduled for 7 lessons, only 6 happened. One student forgot to call me and say that he wasn't coming! Oops! The other classes went quite well though. I enjoyed them anyway.

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Gyu-oh. The problem is that we are now both a little under the weather. I wonder why. I hope it's nothing serious or long lasting.

I'm getting really excited about our trip. I'm looking forward to going somewhere new, and somewhere that I can speak English again! Yay!

My feet are still incredibly itchy. I put some of Fumihiko's caterpillar medicine on them and it seems to help. I've been able to stop scratching them. They look awful. All over my feet there are red lumps and bumps and scratch marks.

It's getting cold here. Fumihiko got out our quilts for tonight. Does this mean that winter is coming? I hope not!

On that rather chilly note, I'll bid you good night!

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