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April 3, 2004 - Saturday

Rainy and cold all day.

A good day. This morning I slept in a bit and then we had some coffee here at the house. After coffee we went out to Gusto for breakfast and then went to the bank. Fumihiko helped me pay for my trip to Canada. I could transfer the money by bank machine to the company, but I can't read any of the kanji.

Then we went to Jusco to look at curtains and drawers. Even though we didn't want to get any floral ones, we did! The flowers are very small and not too annoying so I think they'll be fine. They weren't too expensive either. I didn't buy any drawers though. While Fumihiko went to pay for them, I went off to work.

Work was okay. My monster kid's class wasn't that bad. I rather enjoyed it. The kids tried quite hard to understand what was going on. Some of them got it, some of them didn't though.

Other classes were fine. Only one class didn't happen, but it was a 2 hour class. I used the time to plan for next Tuesday's classes, so it was okay. I did miss my student.

After work I waited for Fumihiko to call me, but he didn't! Oh no! I was worried...did he forget me? Did he fall asleep? So, after 10 minutes I called him. He was taking a bath. Can you believe it? Neither can I. He came and picked me up. We went out for yakiniku and he gave me my tickets for my flights to and from Tokyo. What a sweetie! I had asked him to try to get me a hotel room for one night too, and he did. Hurray. I did pay for them, of course.

Then we came home and I put on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I've had the tape for years and I've never watched it! It was really good though. Fumihiko got a bit of it, but he was very tired so gave up and went to bed.

Tomorrow I'm off to my old apartment as Fumihiko has to work. It'll be an early morning so I have to get some sleep. Wish me luck!

Night night!

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