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April 5, 2004 - Monday

Warm and sunny. Beautiful day!

An interesting day. We got to sleep in a little this morning, then we went out to do our business at the post office. I wanted to buy some travellers cheques, but as always they didn't have the ones that I wanted. And, as usual, Fumihiko and I ended up having a big fight. I'm not sure why. I think it's because I get frustrated with Japanese inefficiency and I used to sell travellers cheques for a living. I told him at one point that if I was as slow as the people at the post office when I worked at the bank, I would have been fired. That's not to say that the woman wasn't nice, and all, but honestly!

We went for breakfast after that, a very quiet breakfast, then Fumihiko dropped me off at my apartment. I watched a bit of tv, then went to the bank, post office and to S-Mall.

I met Junko after a bit and we went to M's Dining for lunch. We had a really nice time. I haven't talked to her for years so it was really good to meet up with her.

After lunch, she dropped me off at S-mall again and I went shopping. I wandered through the mall, buying just a little, then going to the grocery store for groceries. I came back to my apartment, and found Fumihiko's car. When I got to the apartment, there was no Fumihiko. Hmm.

I did my Pilates while I waited, then I watched some more TV from Canada. Lots of Third Watch. Yay. Finally, Fumihiko showed up. He'd been walking around waiting for me....even went to the bookstore and our apartment! I was surprised about that.

We went out for dinner to La Chance. It was very good. They've changed their menu, it used to be something quite cheap, but now it's a little more expensive. I wanted to have the duck, so that's what I asked Fumihiko to order for me. I was very surprised when lamb arrived a bit later. Huh? Apparently someone (my husband) got confused and ordered the wrong thing for me. However, I really didn't mind as it was a fifty-fifty thing about which one I wanted. Fumihiko had steak, which he said was good.

After dinner we came back to the house and Fumihiko put on the DVD of Beauty and the Beast....the sort of "in progress" one. It was interesting to see the sketches. I didn't watch too much of it.

And that was about that for my day. I watched ER later, but Fumihiko went to bed in the middle of it. He was tired, poor guy.

And that was my day. I thought I'd not be able to update, but I did. Hurray me!

Sleep tight!

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