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April 6, 2004 - Tuesday

Sunny, windy and cool.

A pretty good day. This morning I went to my apartment and took a short nap, then went out for my walk. I walked for about 25 minutes. Not really long enough, but I did start out a bit late. I felt pretty good today though.

At work today I had a quiet day. All classes but one were one person only...And that one was a doozy!We made tuna salad sandwiches, and that was fun, but one of the two students was a real pain. He'd brought his own food and proceeded to eat that, even though I asked him not to. I was a little annoyed when after class in the school lobby the kid tried to put honey on some of the bread that he hadn't eaten. In front of his mother. Now, is it just me, or is carrying around your own honey just a little weird?? I wouldn't let him open the honey. I know who'd have to clean up if it spilt.

After work tonight, Fumihiko brought me home and we cooked dinner. He did most of the work, but I did a bit too. We had nabe, sashimi and for dessert, strawberries and whipped cream. Yumyumyum.

Later tonight I worked on some stuff on my computer then watched Monk. It wasn't as good tonight,b ut it was good...does that make sense? I enjoyed it, but I was a bit busy so couldn't give it my full attention.

And that was my day. Okay, but not great! Night night.

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