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April 8, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and windy, perfect kite weather!

A bit of a different day. I went for a walk this morning and with the sun and the wind found it most invigorating! I ended my walk by picking up my bike at the school and bringing it back to the apartment. Then, I decided to finally start my new Harry Potter book. I thought I'd just read for a few minutes. A half hour later, I realized that I'd read for too much time! But oh, it was good.

I biked off to the post office to pick up my traveller's cheques. Unfortunately the lady who had helped me on Monday wasn't there and the guy that helped me didn't speak English. Still I got across to him what I wanted. Unfortunately he didn't know that I had pre-ordered the cheques so went searching all over the post office for them. Then, he tried to tell me that I couldn't have the amount I ordered. I finally managed to explain that I'd visited on Monday and was told by phone that they had arrived. Another clerk backed me up and the clerk went searching again. This time he found them. They were exactly the right denominations. I paid for them from my account and finally, 20 minutes later was on my way!

It was so late when I got back to the apartment that I couldn't take a nap. I took my shower and then cooked lunch and breakfast.

Work today was fine. I was supposed to have 5 lessons today, but one didn't happen. The student didn't leave a message, not sure why.

After work I finished up right away and left. I didn't even say goodbye to the other teacher. She was still in class.

I went to the apartment and took something out of the freezer. I'd forgotten this morning.

Our restaurant de jour was M's Dining. I had a hamburger with scrambled eggs and the drink bar. They were both really good. I was quite impressed with the burger. It wasn't bad at all!

We came home and I started working on my computer almost immediately. I only meant to do that for a minute or two, but ended up spending lots of time here. My poor husband is such a computer widow (sic). When we first got married he didn't realize how much time I spent in front of my computer so he called himself a computer widow. I think he'd heard the phrase "golf widow" and thought it could apply to him too! Poor thing!

Tomorrow's update will show up a day late or so. Fumihiko just informed me that he has a drinking party tomorrow night and I'll be staying at the apartment as a result.

Night night!

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