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April 9, 2004 - Friday

Gorgeous day, warm and sunny, with a bit of wind.

An okay day today. I was very tired this morning and even though it was my usual laundry day, I didn't do any. I just went to sleep instead. I woke up about an hour and a half later, feeling a little groggy, but better! I did the rest of my morning stuff and then left for work.

Work was okay today. I had a morning class, then a model lesson for a 3 year old. He was a bit funny, he copied everything that I said! And, he couldn't remember the word red. In the evening I had two more classes, with two people in each of them. Bonus! It's so nice to have more people in my classes.

After work I went to the grocery store and got a few things for dinner and lunch tomorrow. I didn't buy too much for a change. I came back to the apartment by bicycle.

Since I hadn't done any exercise in the morning, I decided to do some tonight. I put on one of my pilates videos and worked on my "buns and thighs". They need a lot of work! However, the other night I looked at an old, pre diet picture of myself and I almost didn't recognize myself. I look pretty good these days. I'm not thin....will I ever be? but I certainly feel better and it's nice to be able to find clothes if I want to the women's department!

Fumihiko called me just before I started Pilate-ing, and said he was going to go and buy some yakitori if I wanted some...I said sure, so he picked some up before he walked to my apartment.

I made some coffee and also got out my salad. I put on Pride and Prejudice and made Fumihiko watch a few minutes of it. He seemed to like it, but was a bit too tired to watch it now. Hopefully we'll be able to watch it together later. It's so good.

Since he went to bed, I put on Josh Groban in Concert. I borrowed it from my manager...discovered that she's a big fan of his too. It's great. He has an amazing voice. I'm not a big "classical" music fan, but he's too good to quibble about.

I'm still reading Harry Potter at the apartment and at work, No One's Perfect. It's a book that's been translated from Japanese. It's the true story of a young man that was born without hands or feet. His life story is quite interesting. He has a very good attitude about life, and he's trying to change the way people look at people with disabilities in Japan. So, both books are about very interesting young men.

I just found out tonight that Fumihiko doesn't have to work on Sunday. I'm glad for him, really I am, but I'm sad for me. I didn't do my laundry today because I thought I'd just wait and do it on Sunday, but..... It's also bad for my exercise programme. Still, maybe I can get him to come out with me! That might be fun.

Tomorrow I have a possibly busy day. I'm not sure if one of my classes will come though...the student hasn't been around for a while. Hope he does though.

Anyway, I have to go now. Have a good night!

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