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April 22, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm, lovely day.

Today was a bit busy. It started early, poor Fumihiko had an early day so I had to get up a bit earlier than usual. Sigh. He drove me to our new apartment where I picked up my bike and biked it back to my old apartment. (Is all of this apartment stuff confusing you? Me too!)

When I got to my apartment I started cleaning out my big stamp box. I went through and put a lot of the stamp pads in boxes, the postcards, envelopes and cards in another and my embossing powders in another one too. I still have a big box of stamps to stamp in my book, but I think I'm over halfway done now. Maybe more. I hope.

I got to work on time, I was a bit early in fact, and had an almost busy day. It wasn't really, it's just that compared to usual it was quite busy. I had 5 lessons...they went well and people seemed happy about them.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Mr. Donuts for a quick drink. Then we drove home where he cooked dinner for us. We had a lamb stirfry with fish and a salad. It sounds a bit strange, but it was great.

I just finished watching last night's episode of Charmed. The witches were shrunken by an evil wizard. It was a cute episode.

And that's about it. I'm still making plans for my trip to Canada. I think I use my memo book more when I'm on holiday than I do when I'm not. Strange!

That's it for me. Night night!

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