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August 1, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny and hot, again.

This morning Fumihiko went to work really early in the morning, and I stayed in bed sleeping. Then, I got up later and went to the mall! I bought a return ticket to Yamagata and got on the bus!

It took a bit over 2 hours to get there, but the ride was uneventful and a bit boring! I went to sleep for some of it too.

I didn't have a wildly exciting time in Yamagata, but I did enjoy myself. I walked to some of the shops and looked around. I didn't buy a lot, but I did buy a few things. I got a new chopping board, a new book, a treat for Fumihiko, that kind of thing. I went to Tully's for a coffee and thoroughly enjoyed it.

A bit after 5 I started back to the bus station and just as I was ready to leave the store I found some clothes that were in my size! Argh! It was too late to look at them by then, so I just got on the bus and left them. On the way back I started the novel that I bought, The Lovely Bones. I've been planning to buy it for a while, but I don't think I ever did! It's really good and I'm about halfway through it now.

When I got back to Tsuruoka I shopped in S-mall for a bit. I went to the 100 yen shop and got a non-slip mat to go under my kitchen mat, and some new decorations. Then I went to the grocery store and got some groceries. I bought some sun-dried tomatoes and some chicken, also a few things for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. Then, I came back to the apartment.

At the apartment I had a quick snack and then put some dinner together. I tried something new tonight. I cleaned off the chicken, it had was covered in a sweet sauce, so I took it off, then I put the chicken in my frypan. I added a few frozen veggies, some water, and a couple of sliced sun-dried tomatoes and let it simmer for a while. I added a bit of hot sauce and some thickener a bit later. Well, I have to tell you, it was great! I really enjoyed it. I'm not an adventurous cook by nature, but it was really good. Yum.

After I ate I did dishes and then unpacked one of my boxes. It was full of glasses, which I haven't decided where to put, so I maybe shouldn't have unpacked them today, but then again, why not?

I watched a bit of an old tape that was in a box and now I'm watching the beginning of Monster's Ball and I'm debating whether or not to stop it and go to bed. I guess it depends how quickly it gets under way. It's really late right now, and I'm a bit tired. Hmm. Don't know.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have a good day tomorrow too. I'm looking forward to it.

Good night!

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