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July 31, 2004 - Saturday

Guess what? It was hot and sunny today too!

A good day. I slept straight from before 2 am last night, to almost 10 am this morning and it was wonderful! I really didn't want to get up, but I had to. Fumihiko took me to Gusto and we had breakfast/brunch. It was fine.

Work was okay today too, except 2 of my classes didn't happen. I was a bit sad. One of my students came by a few hours late to see if I could fit him in and to apologize. I couldn't fit him in as I had a student already booked..that's the way it goes sometimes.

After work, I finished up and called my husband to come and get me. He did!

We went to Cocos for dinner. It was busy tonight. I had my usual which was really good for a change. I had some tea and a cappuchino too. Yum.

On the way to the apartment Fumihiko took me to my old video store and I rented Monster's Ball. I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to. The guy at the video store remembered me so I didn't have to get a completely new membership, just a new card! Hurray. They don't have dvds though, but videos are okay. Maybe I'll stop buying so many!

We picked up a few groceries too, Fumihiko starts really early in the morning, so he needs to get something to eat before he goes out. I think he'll have a sandwich or something, maybe some yogurt too?

He watched Shrek (and so did I) tonight. It was silly of him because he has to get up really super early tomorrow, but that was his choice. He's trying to sleep now, but I think this light may be bothering him. I should get to bed too. I may go to Yamagata tomorrow, but I'm not sure yet. I have nothing to do for a whole 2 days, so I'm thinking a day trip might be fun!

I'll update you tomorrow! Gotta go!

Night night.

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