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August 2, 2004 - Monday

Hot. Sunny. The usual!

A pretty good day today. I watched Monsters Ball until 5:30 this morning,then went to bed. I didn't get up until 12 something. Oh, what bliss, to just sleep in.

I did some laundry, reheated my dinner leftovers and ate them. Yum. I also finished my book. It was great. Very original. If you haven't read it already, I recommend The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

I decided to go out and try my new bike, but I had technical problems. I couldn't get one of the pedals to fold down properly. I put the bike back in the apartment and then went out on my old bike. I also remembered to take some of my plastic meat trays back for recycling. Yay me. I paid a bill at the convenience store. I found it in the apartment last night....luckily the day before the final due date! Then, I went to the grocery store and bought some food for the week.

I went back to the apartment and vegged for a while. Fumihiko phoned me to say he was done work, then he came and visited me. I gave him a tall glass of diet coke and he relaxed for a bit. We took a shower (no, not together) and then left for Mikawa Mall.

We checked the movie listings, but Shrek 2 had already started and wasn't on again until 9. So, we went for dinner and then we went to the amusement center. I did okay for a bit, but finally lost all of my coins. Oh well!

Shrek 2 was good, but not great! I wanted more of Puss in Boots, and more of the Fairy Godmother. The voice actors were really great though...wonderful to have John Cleese and Julie Andrews as Fiona's parents.

After the movie we came home and called Katie for her birthday. She just got back from camping and it sounds like she had a great trip. She was also very lucky with presents.

Fumihiko is sleeping now. He's so tired these days that I feel very sorry for him.

I'm planning on cooking dinner for us tomorrow night. Well, actually, I'm planning to use my crockpot, so I guess I'll be doing the actual cooking tomorrow morning. Still, I hope I can get it as good as it was yesterday.

And that's it for me. A pretty good, but low key kind of day. Night night.

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