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August 3, 2004 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny, with a bit of cloud!

A good day. I was busy in the morning as I went to the apartment and started preparing for dinner! I wanted to use my crock pot today. I took the skin off the chicken, and then I browned it. I stirfried the veggies too to heat them up a bit and then put them all in the crock. I put in some sun dried tomatoes too. Then I put the lid on it all and turned it on. I took a short nap after that.

When I got ready for work I had to get my bike out from behind some workmen that were digging up the road. I don't know what they were doing, but they were really nice and polite. I got to work in super time! I managed to catch nearly all of the lights and got to work superfast!

I was a bit busy in the early part of the day, but not in the evening. Someone came by to pick up my apartment keys. I hope everything is okay there. I really liked that place. Well, sometimes anyway.

When I got done work I made a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up last minute supplies and then biked to the apartment. On the way there a guy was trying to talk to me, he was on a bike and was trying to go slowly so that he could. I wasn't too happy about that so I pretended not to understand and then I biked back. I could hear Fumihiko calling me on my phone, but I didn't stop. I finally answered him when I got to the apartment. It was quite funny because I was locking up my bike when I answered. He was in the apartment already and he asked me a few times, "Why are you laughing?" When I opened the door to the apartment he understood!

Well, sadly I hadn't put quite enough liquid into the crockpot this morning, so the chicken was a bit dry and the veggies had all but disappeared. Still, the sauce looked and tasted good! I cooked some penne for Fumihiko and he had the chicken on a bed of pasta, with salad. I also had chicken and veggies with salad. The sun dried tomatoes made a nice but light change to the dish. Even though it wasn't perfect, it was pretty good, so we both enjoyed our meal. For dessert we had plain yogurt with frozen blueberries and strawberries. Yum!

Fumihiko was pretty impressed with everything. So much so that he even washed the dishes! What a sweetie! It was much appreciated. I dried them so the kitchen was nice and tidy afterwards.

We came back to the house after that and now poor Fumihiko is sleeping away. He's so tired these days. I wish that he didn't have to work so hard everyday.

I heard on the news today that we might get rain or bad weather tomorrow. I hope it cools down a bit. It's been so darn hot.

Anyway, that's it for me. Have a good night. I probably won't cook tomorrow, I hope to be taken out! Still, it was nice for a change.

Gotta go! Night.

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