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August 4, 2004 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny.

Today was an interesting sort of day. In the morning when I went to the apartment I tried out my new bike and got it to work. I had a few problems with it, the light that I chose doesn't fit on the bracket the store installed on it, so I have to use a purple light on my blue bike. Bleck. And the basket is tilted up really high and at a strange angle, which blocks my vision. I don't like that. I expected the basket to be a bit lower than it is.

After getting the bike adjusted I went in, set the alarm clock and took a nap. Well, I woke up at 10:50. I was supposed to get up at 10, so I had to hustle. Luckily, I'd packed up some food for myself last night, so I didn't have to cook my lunch. But, I hadn't had breakfast. What I did was have a couple of slices of ham and cheese rolled up. It was good, and low carb, so I was okay. I managed to leave for work, on time, and rode my new bike.

The trip was a bit weird. I kept getting in the way of people moving their cars or riding their bikes, but I made it safely. At work I locked up my bike very carefully, and then took the basket and light into the school.

I had a good day at work. I was a bit busier than usual, I had 5 classes today. It was nice! I was missing a few students, but classes went well. My second from last one was especially fun. The students got right into the role playing, and enjoyed themselves.

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me and my bike up and took me to Moundon, the Korean restaurant. They've done some renovations and now they have yakiniku, Korean style. It was cool. We tried it and they cook the meat on a stone slab. It was very interesting. It was a really nice meal, and different than the ones we usually have every week.

After that we came home and that was that. Our day is over, basically. Fumihiko is much better today. Yesterday he was so tired that I was really worried about him. Today, he's still tired, but he's a bit happier/more energetic. Hurray.

That's your update for today! Gotta go....night!

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