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August 7, 2004 - Saturday

Very hot and very sunny.

A busy day, and a good one. I went to the apartment this morning and slept after I read for a while. I took a good long nap, then had my shower. I left for work a little late and got stuck because some silly woman was trying to back her car onto the road. I rang my bell 3 times at her so that she would acknowledge me and hopefully get out of my way, but she wouldn't. Sigh.

My kids class went quite well today. I was a bit surprised, but they didn't annoy me as much as they usually do! Although, one of the kids tried really hard. We ended the lesson with a song which they seemed to enjoy...Alice's Camel. It was fun.

Classes were mostly good, except for the last one. The two students showed up really late and one of them just wouldn't talk. It was very frustrating. I even went so far as to ask him if he was sick or something. I think he was tired, but it's not a good excuse.

After classes finished I did my paperwork and then read my Minette Walters while I waited for my husband to call me. He finally did, he had to work late again, poor thing.

We dropped my bike off at the apartment and then went to the restaurant in Voice for dinner. We had lamb that was really good, salad, pork stirfry, tofu, and drink bar and it was all great. This time, Fumihiko listened to me and didn't have ramen. Everytime we went there before he had ramen and complained about it! He liked the food. Hurray.

We came home and that was our day. It was pretty good.

Tomorrow I'm off to Niigata and perhaps won't come back to the house tomorrow night. So most likely there won't be an update. Don't miss me too much!


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