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August 6, 2004 - Friday

Hot with a bit of rain all day.

An interesting day. I went to the apartment, took out garbage, then took a nap. I got a phone call at 10 am from a person I'm going to meet on Sunday. I hope we can find each other!

When I rode to work I managed to screw up my gears on my bike. The chain came off the spokes! Yikes. Luckily I was behind Jusco, so only had to walk a few meters to work! I did fix it in the evening, but I didn't know if I was doing it right or not. I think I did. Hurray.

Work was fine, a bit quiet though. After work, I finished up and then got changed. Fumihiko called me to say he still hadn't finished work. As my bike was questionable I said I'd stay where I was, at school, but then I tried to fix my bike, and I succeeded, so that was good. I called him back and said I'd go to the apartment.

I got to the apartment, turned on the air conditioner and then the TV. I was lucky, there was a Whoopi Goldberg movie on, Sister Act. I'm not sure if I'd seen it before all the way through, but I watched it. It was silly, but fun.

I also got stuck into my new book today. Minette Walters's Disordered Minds. It's a cracking great read, as hers usually are.

Fumihiko finally showed up around 11:45 and we went for a quick dinner to Gusto. It was fine, but for some reason I just felt sick. I still don't feel that well, but I'm better than before. I hope I haven't caught something.

Tomorrow is a busy day, so I have to go. Night night!

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