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August 12, 2004 - Thursday

Hot and sunny.

I got to sleep in this morning...yay! That was nice. We went to the apartment where I took a shower and then cooked breakfast while Fumihiko re-watched Fawlty Towers. I made lovely omelettes with sausages. Yum yum yum. When it was time to go we got into a bit of tiff...I was running around turning off things and Fumihiko was just leaving them on. Sigh. It was annoying.

I had a very quiet but productive day at work. I called one of my teachers, talked for a bit and then sent her some teaching ideas. I hope they help. I also faxed Chris in Sakata, just to say hi!

Although I was scheduled for a big 4 classes today, I only had 2. This time of year, what with Obon and all, no-one comes unless they have nothing else to do. I did my paperwork up quite early and then when it was 9 pm, read some of my Empire magazine. After I changed, I started reading a new book about English. It's quite interesting so far, about how the English language progressed. Hopefully it'll stay interesting.

We went to M's Dining tonight for dinner. They gave us a crappy table by the door, which was annoying as there was a booth available. I guess that we weren't cool enough for a booth! However, we did enjoy our meal very much. I had steak and veggie mix with an egg thrown in for good measure, while Fumihiko had a hamburger steak with salad, rice, my bread and soup. He ate a lot!

We came home and I took a shower. Now I'm updating my journal and soon I hope, I'll go to bed. Fumihiko is not feeling well and I'm a bit worried that I'll get whatever he has. I don't want to get a summer cold. They are miserable.

Anyway, that was my day. It was okay. Not great. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th...oh my! Take care all! Night.

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