August 13, 2004 - Friday
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August 13, 2004 - Friday -Yikes!

Hot and sunny, of course.

A good day. I slept in this morning then got up and went for breakfast with Fumihiko. On the way out I banged my leg on the table and now I have a huge blue bruise there. Sigh.

I wasn't that busy at work today, just four classes. However, that was 2 more than yesterday, so it wasn't so bad I guess!

At lunch I managed to find some food in Jusco, so that was nice! Lately, they haven't had anything that I can eat. It's quite bad at times.

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Cocos, where I had a caesar salad. It was good and just what I wanted. Sometimes I get tired of eating a lot of meat, especially in summer.

We had a serious chat at dinner and I finally told him something that I've been putting off for a while. It feels like a huge weight has come off my shoulders. Happily, he doesn't seem to mind as much as I thought he would.

And that's my day. Kind of good, but kind of quiet.

Gotta go. Night night!

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