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August 17, 2004 - Tuesday

Rainy and cloudy all day. A bit cool.

A busy day, in more ways than one. I had a hard time getting Fumihiko to wake up this morning. He went to bed after I did, and had to get up before me! Finally, he did get up and made his way to work. I set my alarm for 9, but didn't get up until 10! Still, I had lots of time to do my stuff.

When I left for work it had just started to rain. Luckily, I didn't get really wet, but I did get a little wet.

I had five classes at work today. I was hopping to get them all ready, but I did it. I think they all went well. My last class of the day didn't show up, which was a bit disappointing because I had prepared for it, but, oh well. I can use the lesson plan next time!

After work, I called Fumihiko. He'd gone to his house and was taking a shower. I thought that was a bit weird, but what do I know? Anyway, he took me to Cocos tonight and we had the same thing. It was pretty good, the Trio Plate. That's a burger, fried chicken and a sausage. I took off the sauce and the breading from the chicken so it wasn't too bad for me.

We bought some groceries for Fumihiko's breakfast and then our dinner. When we got back to the apartment I made tea and then got to work. I'm going to use my slow cooker tomorrow and I won't have time to do all of the prep tomorrow. Tonight I chopped veggies and took the skin off the chicken. I also cut it into smaller pieces. It took me over an hour to do all that work. I just hope that it's worth it!

I'm still trying to get Fumihiko to go to bed early because he has to get up. However, he's watching the Olympics and I don't know when he'll finish! I may end up in bed earlier than him again.

Anyway, that was my day so far. It was pretty good. I hope tomorrow will be good too.

Gotta catch some zzzzz's! Night night.

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