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August 18, 2004 - Wednesday

Rainy and muggy all day. Sigh.

A strange day. This morning I left just as it started to pour. I turned around and grabbed my rain cape then biked to work. I did get a bit wet, but mostly it was just my legs and feet.

Work was fine today, I was a little busy. I also had two students come today that hadn't been around for 2 months so it was nice to see them.

After work Fumihiko called me, and wanted to know if he should pick me up. Well, yes. I asked him how the slowcooker was doing but he didn't know. I'd asked him to check it after he finished work but he didn't. Then I asked him to stir it and turn down the heat.

When I got here I discovered that he hadn't turned down the heat and he hadn't stirred it. He'd also spent the time between 5:30 and 9 at his house. Watching Baseball. Must be nice. Then, while I ran around trying to make sure that everything was ready to eat, he sat there like a lump and watched Olympics. He did piss all to help me, except he made coffee. He sat there and watched the sports. When I put the food in front of him he ate it and then he sat there some more. I did the dishes, leaving his for him, and then came into the tatami room to use my computer. He just left. He didn't say where he was going.

I don't know what's going on with us. Lately we've been fighting a lot. Do marriages get the terrible twos?

Anyway, now I'm angry and upset so I probably shouldn't write any more.

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