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August 26, 2004 - Thursday

Sunny and warm, nice.

An okay day. I got up with Fumihiko and made his coffee for him. Then I went back to bed. When my alarm went off I kept hitting the snooze button and then fell asleep. I woke up about 20 minutes late. Sigh. I had to run around to get everything done, but finally it was okay.

I had a moderately busy day today. It started well, my first two classes were fine, but ended slowly with another no-show class. I don't like that.

After work I left before Mika did. Fumihiko picked me up and we tried to go to the Korean restaurant, but couldn't. So, we went to Dan. Yum. Tonight we had a spicy pork-egg-kimchee concoction which was yummy. I enjoyed it.

We came home via the convenience store and bought some coffee to drink. It was really nice. I drank mine, Fumihiko had a beer.

And that was my day. I won't be busy at work tomorrow. I hope I find something to do.

Oh, my make work project for today was putting up Olympic photos from the newspaper. That was fun actually. I tried to put up an assortment, not just Japanese athletes. I got a few compliments on it, so I'm sure it's nice.

Gotta go. I'll fill you in on my day tomorrow. Night night!

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