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August 27, 2004 - Friday

Sunny and warm.

A pretty good day. When Fumihiko left I did the snooze thing with my phone but decided to get up and snooze on our new couch. That was nice, and so comfortable. When 10 am came around I was ready to go!

I got to work on time and had a bit of quiet time. I read the paper, then got busy. I planned almost all of Tuesday's lessons, and a lot for next Thursday too. It took a lot of time, because some of them I haven't taught before. Still, it's worth it if they go well.

My classes tonight were quite interesting. We talked about euphemisms, preferences and nostalgia. An interesting assortment!

After work we went to Gusto for dinner. I had the burger with veggies. It was quite nice.

And that was that. Fumihiko is glued to the Olympics, as always. I told him tonight that I'm an Olympic widow! I'm only half joking!

Oh, before I go, a couple of "only in Japan" moments. This morning I was putting out my school's signs when I heard a bell chime. It was a Buddhist monk! He went into the barber shop near our school and came out again quickly. He was all dressed up in a bamboo hat, leggings and split socks/footware. Very interesting! Then, when I went to the 100 yen store on my lunch I ran into that man. The one that always tries to ask me where I'm from. I just put my head down and kept going. If he was doing more than counting coup I'd try to be more polite, but he doesn't remember me. I've wasted a lot of time with him and I don't intend to waste more. I'm not sure why Japanese people think it's okay to talk to me just because I'm a foreigner.

Anyway, I'm done now. Gotta go!

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