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February 1, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny and quite warm.

A kind of low key, nice day. I slept in very late because we didn't get to bed until 3:30 or so. We both enjoyed the movie and doing my jigsaw puzzle. We still have a lot to do on it, but it's more than halfway done now I'm sure.

When we got up I drank some coffee and then we went to the Daiichi hotel for their brunch. It was quite nice. Afterwards I hit the hundred yen shop. I wanted to get a bigger bowl for doing my dishes than I presently have. I also picked up some things like coat hangers too.

Then we picked up kerosene for the house and the apartment and delivered it to the respective places. After that, we were going to go to the mall, but Fumihiko went the wrong way, and we ended up looking in a second hand shop for furniture and stuff. I don't know if it was just me, but the furniture wasn't that great. I didn't like a lot of the stuff they had on display. I know I'm a bit weird, but it wasn't in very good condition.

Finally, we did end up at the mall. There really wasn't anything playing today that we wanted to see, so we had a cup of coffee and Fumihiko tried on and then bought some jeans. They were quite nice. After that, we drove into Sakata. We went to Daiei and had a good old fashioned poke around. I didn't buy anything on this trip, but I enjoyed looking. Then, we decided to eat.

We went to Hondo, the steak restaurant in Amarume. Tonight we had Roast Rump steak and it was really good. The only problem is that there wasn't enough of it!

Fumihiko drove us home after that and we made plans to watch a video soon. He's off taking a bath and I'm listening to Dean Martin on my computer and then we'll watch Bull Durham I think. I love that film!

Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment. If it doesn't snow I might be able to walk or ride my bicycle to the grocery store tomorrow. I hope it doesn't snow!

Catch you tomorrow night!

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