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January 6, 2004 - Tuesday

Lots of snow in the morning, but clear and quite warm.

This morning it looked like Christmas outside! The world was white. When I got to the apartment I couldn't do a power walk as it was too snowy, so I couldn't relive yesterday's excitement. Sigh. Oh well.

Today was my first day back at work. I wasn't very busy sadly as some of my classes/students didn't show up. The ones that did went really well, but what happened to the others? Hmm. Not everyone called either.

After work I went to Coco's with Fumihiko. He had an Italian Hamburger without the tomato sauce and I had a chicken nabe that was really nice. I enjoyed it very much.

And that was that! I discovered when I got home that I received two nengajo from Otaru today...from a former student and my former teacher. Lovely to hear from both of them.

And that was my day...bit boring, but that's okay. Night night!

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