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January 7, 2004 - Wednesday

Clear and then rainy at night.

A pretty quiet day. I did my usual stuff at the apartment, but I didn't go for a walk, because it was pretty icy. So, I worked on my puzzle and then took a nap. I cooked breakfast and lunch later, and left for work on time! Yay me!

I didn't have a lot to do today at work, but my classes went quite well. I also did an interview, but I'm not sure how that would go.

After my last class, the manager told me that my husband had called and said he was still in Yamagata. Oh my. He phoned me later and said that he'd be another hour so I made myself comfortable, ate some nuts, drank some coffee and read my book. He came to get me about 50 minutes later! He must have driven superfast I think!

We went to my apartment, picked up a kerosene tank and bought some kerosene. Then the lovely guy actually delivered it back to my apartment. I'm so glad.

We had dinner and then came home. It's a bit late, so I won't stay up too much longer. Gotta go!


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