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January 9, 2004 - Friday

Clear but a bit cold day

I was quite busy this morning. I did laundry and I folded and packed up my last laundry. I had 3 bags full, so it took a long time!

Work was okay today. I wasn't busy, but I got all of my lessons prepared for tomorrow, and did a bit of stuff for my trip next week.

After work Fumihiko and I went to my apartment to pick up my laundry. Then, we went to M's Dining and had dinner. There was a sign up at the door that said their heating was broken. We went in anyway, but it was darn cold. I wore my coat around my shoulders, and Fumihiko went out to the car and got his coat too. Brr.

We came home and I found a package from my sister had arrived! I got some pants and other stuff. Yay.

And that was my day. Catch you tomorrow? Night!

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