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January 10, 2004 - Saturday

Mostly clear with a bit of rain and then snow in the evening.

A day which was pretty good, but began too early! This morning our alarm went off at 7:30 am, but we didn't need to get up. So, Fumihiko turned it off and we went back to sleep. I didn't wake up again until 10 am when the telephone rang! It was very cold in our room so I had a really hard time getting out of bed. A really hard time!

We had our brunch at Gusto this morning and something nice happened. Fumihiko got up to get more coffee for himself and he asked me if I wanted anything else to drink! I've been trying to get him to to that more lately. I usually ask him when I'm getting something for me, but he doesn't usually return the favour. Well, he did today! Yay.

Work was fine today. I was quite busy actually. I had lots of things to do... I had six classes and I think they all went quite well. I had a student that hardly ever comes come and in another class, people really seemed to enjoy the topic...talking about the environment. It was fun!

After work I prepared a few things to take with me to Yamagata but I forgot to get my shoes and my nametag. Sigh. I'll have to go in this weekend!

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gyu-oh for yakiniku and tofu nabe. Yum. Everything was really good, so we enjoyed ourselves very much. Then, we came home.

At home, Fumihiko wanted to watch a DVD, so we popped in Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a hoot, so even though I was doing computer stuff, I took a break and watched the movie. I also did a bit of my jigsaw puzzle at the time. It was a cool night!

It's really late now, so I'd better go. I'm sleepy and I don't know what's been planned for tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night-o!

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