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Sunny but cold.

January 18, 2004 - Sunday

A pretty good day.

We got up late and went out for breakfast. We ended up going to the Daiichi Hotel again, but we were so late that we only had 20 minutes left on their buffet. Oh dear. Still we managed to eat enough for a while.

We had a putzy kind of day. We went to the hardware store to get some washers for our toilet room sink. It's been leaking for a while. Fumihiko was in quite a lot of pain as well because his back is bad again. Everywhere we went he was huffing like an old man. I felt quite sorry for him, the poor guy.

We came home for a while and I checked my email and uploaded some of the pages that I had written over the last few days. I had to do a bit of correcting too. While I did that, Fumihiko worked on the pipe.

Later we had to get kerosene, so we went out again. We got some, took mine back to the apartment, and then went out for dinner to La Chance. We had steak and nama ham salad. Yum. Very good. After dinner we came home again.

We watched Fumihiko's new DVD of The Others. I enjoyed it, although I was reading my tons and tons of email that I got. We saw the movie a couple of years ago, and Fumihiko has talked about it ever since. I think he's disappointed with the dvd as he knows the ending now, so it wasn't a suprise. Still, I think it was a good buy.

And that's about it. Our routine returns to normal tomorrow. I am kind of looking forward to it. It's been a hectic few weeks.

Wish me luck! Good night!

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