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July 15, 2004 - Thursday

Torrential rain, then clearing at night.

A strange sort of day! This morning at the apartment I took out garbage and then did a bit of tidying up. Things look better now! Still not perfect, but better!

When I left for work, it was raining so hard. I wore my rain cape to work and still got wet.

When I was putting the signs up for the school I noticed a woman looking at them. She was interested in studying English. I took her info and she'll come back next week.

Before my first class I stumbled outside the school and ended up giving myself a bruise on the top of my foot and a hole in my nylons. Yikes. It hurt so much, and it still does.

During my first class we were interrupted about 4 times! Once was the delivery guy, twice was a student of mine, and the last one was a lady from the lending company. I felt so sorry for my student.

The rest of the day was quiet. At lunch I bought a few things, a t-shirt and some socks. My socks were soaked today. I only had a few classes today, but they were quite good.

After work, Fumihiko met me at the school but I cycled my bike to the apartment. It wasn't raining by then. On the way a horrid woman in a car just about hit me. She wasn't watching where she was going. I was pretty annoyed, but I guess no harm done.

We went for dinner to Gusto and it was fine. Then we came home and I made a new cd for our trip on Sunday. I hope it's okay. I had to make it twice because I put one song on it twice. Yikes! Silly me.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Have a good one!

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