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July 16, 2004 - Friday

Cloudy, heavy rain in the morning, dry later on.

An okay day. This morning I took out many garbage bags, did laundry and did all the usual morning stuff.

On the way to work something sad happened. Near the bookstore I saw a small sparrow pecking at the ground. When I got closer to it on my bike, it must have panicked. It flew up and out into the road. Unfortunately, it flew into a truck and then dropped to the ground. I think it must have died. I felt bad, I really did. It wasn't hurting anything and I wouldn't have hurt it intentionally either.

Work was really slow today. I was supposed to have two classes, but one didn't show. In the one that did show up, only one student came! Argh. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's terribly sad!

After work I finished up really quickly and then I called Fumihiko. He was taking a bath! I told him I'd meet him at the apartment and biked off. It was a nice night for a ride so I enjoyed it. He picked me up just after I got there.

For dinner we went to Cocos. It was quite nice tonight, I had my usual. Then, we came home.

And that was my day. I will be busier tomorrow, I have to be!

Gotta go, night night!

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