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July 14, 2004 - Wednesday - Happy Bastille Day!

Rainy most of the day.

This morning I headed to the apartment, more asleep than awake. There had been a big thunderstorm at 6 am that woke me up. It was loud and the rain was bad. I hate that! There had been some flooding in Niigata prefecture, but we're okay here.

I got to work just after the skies started opening, so I was a bit damp to put it politely. Still, not too bad.

I had a pretty good day at work today. I wasn't as busy as yesterday, but classes went well today too. My kids one was fun, although I might have to re-think the games for them. And, one of the little boys was swinging on his chair, overbalanced and it fell on top of him. He was really brave and didn't cry, although I could see he was close to it. We just continued class. We ended today with the Music Girl song again and all of us were really into it. I'm not sure how musical we sounded, but it was fun!

After school it was raining a bit so Fumihiko picked me up and took me and my bike to the apartment. Then, we went to Dan for dinner. It was deserted! I don't think there were many customers at all. Our car was one of the only ones in the lot. I felt sorry for the wait staff. We had our favourites again, caesar salad and fried eggplant in garlic sauce, and we tried some new dishes. I couldn't eat one dish as it tasted too sweet, but it was good too.

We came home then and just after we passed the 7-11 near our house, Fumihiko decided to go back to the convenience store. He pulled into a street we don't usually go down and in the distance we saw the lights of another convenience store, so we went there instead! It was nice, and I think quite new.

At home we just relaxed for a while and then I started using my computer. I should try to get an early night tonight, so I'm going to end this now. Night night!

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