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March 8, 2004, Monday

Snowy, but also clear and sunny.

Today I had an adventure! I went off to Sakata to do the first step of my visa application. In the morning I went to the apartment and in a fit of bravado (or sheer stupidity) decided not to take my boots. I did all my Monday morning stuff, except grocery shopping, and even fitted in a short nap. Then, I hightailed it to the train station. I just made the 1:25 train. I wasn't sure I would, but somehow, I did.

On the way to Sakata I listened to my iPod and also read part of "Sushi for Beginners". It is one of Marian Keyes novels. I couldn't put it down. It was nice taking the train again. I haven't ridden a train for a long time and I miss it.

In Sakata I set off for the Immigration Office, and spotted a post office that I'd never seen before. I went there and mailed off a letter to my friend Donna and some books to my friend Sherry. They were really friendly to me there...and the guy made a mistake with my cash and was going to give back my original 10, 000 yen note, plus change for the 10, 000! Basically I think he'd just pulled a 10 out of his drawer instead of a 5! As a former bank teller, I couldn't let him make that mistake. Anyway, I ended up with a towel, and an entry form for a competition so I must have been a nice person, right?

I walked on, thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and the music. However, what I didn't enjoy was the wet feet I got. It was very slushy and wet everywhere I went. My feel got so damn wet! I'll tell you more about that later though! I even spotted Chris, the Sakata teacher doing email, so we had a short chat. That was nice. I don't often get to meet people unexpectedly.

I made it to the office and my feet were soaking. I managed to find the washroom and freshened up, then I went into the office. I did all my stuff, filled out a 3 page form, and then let the guy take my stuff. He wasn't too happy that I didn't want to change to a spousal visa, but I have my reasons. The office was so hot that I had to take off my coat, and get out a handkerchief to mop my brow. I waited for a bit and then I was on my merry way again.

I went back the way I came and was just planning to do a bit of shopping at the department store when I realized that I recognized the kanji on the bus schedule. I could catch the bus to Mikawa Mall right there...but I didn't know the time of the next bus. I checked and it was 5 minutes ago, but, it was late! There was a bus at the stop at that moment, and then the next one was bound for Tsuruoka. Yay! I got on. I had a brief panic moment while I wondered if I had bus fare or not, but I did!

I got off at the mall, and planned out what to do. My shoes were so wet that I didn't want to keep wearing them any more, and Fumihiko wouldn't be finished his work for another hour, so I couldn't get my boots until then. I went to the sock department, bought a couple of pairs of socks and then went to the shoe department. I picked up a pair of shoes that I liked, sat down and took off my shoe. My sock was soaking wet, and it was dyed the same colour as the shoe! I put on one of my new socks and then tried on the shoe. It was okay. Not perfect, but it was a cute shoe and the right size. So, I took off the shoe, and put my poor foot (sans sock) back in the wet shoe and took the new shoes to the checkout register. I paid for them, then headed to the toilet. I did a major shoe/sock exchange there, even going so far as to dry my feet with toilet paper! Then I left, bundling my old and wet shoes into the new shoes' bag.

I had a quick snack and then was just going to check out the women's department when Fumihiko rang me. I headed over there and had a good look around. I decided to try on a few things just as he arrived. I liked a lot of the stuff, there was a nice skirt and a couple of shirts that were good. However, I realized that I almost never wear skirts and one of the shirts was a bit 80's-ey. I got a t-shirt style thing in black with pink flowers. It's quite nice actually. I'll keep the other stuff in mind though.

We missed the movie we had planned to see, but no matter. We decided to go for dinner so we went to "our" French restaurant. We were the only diners there, but we had a great meal. We had fish and our main course was squab! I'd never had that before. I liked it a lot.

Then we came home and ended up popping in The Lord of the Rings-The Fellowship of the Rings. It was great and I noticed heaps more stuff this time because I knew where things were going to end up. Neat. Fumihiko and I snuggled up on the tatami and watched, sitting in front of the heater.

And that was it for my day. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it, except for the cold tan feet part....that I could have done without!

I gotta go....have a good night!

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