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March 7, 2004, Sunday

Sunny, cold and snowy at night.

A pretty good day! When I first woke up, I was surprised. My husband was reading a book in bed beside me, and at that second, he was staring at me. It was weird! A little later, when I was trying to go back to sleep, he decided to get up and try to unpack the DVD player. I told him not to unless he was quiet. I next woke up around 1 pm. Yes, that's right, 1 pm. I can't believe I slept so long. I'm happy about it.

I got up and he made me some coffee. Then, we went out. First we went to Cocos for breakfast. I was a bit surprised because I saw two of my soon-to-be ex-students come in just after us. We invited them to come and sit with us so they did. It was nice. We never really get to have a meal with a couple that both speak English...and Japanese too.

After lunch we bought dog food, kerosene and then went to the mall. There was 5 minutes before Once Upon A Time in Mexico started, so that's what we went to see. It was fun. Johnny Depp as usual stole the show, but Antonio Banderas was suave and sexy. The movie needed more of Salma Hayek though.

When the movie ended we went for dinner. We had pork shabu-shabu. All we could eat for around $30. I think Fumihiko was surprised because I ate a lot. I didn't have noodles, or two bowls of rice though.

We ended up in the amusement center. I did okay for a while, but got bored after a while. Fumihiko was doing well, but he had to move to a new machine because the one he was on malfunctioned. Then, he lost all of his coins so it was sad for him.

We drove home and on the way it started to hail...not nasty damaging hail, but hard snow pellets. It was nasty, but gradually died off before we got home.

And that was our day. I answered a lot of email and updated my address book. I've recently got new addresses for 2 of my friends so it was a necessary thing.

On my part, I have been following a drama in one of my email groups with a bit of sadness. A woman that I met once has been removed from the group. I understand why it happened, but I'm not really comfortable with the decision. I am in the thinking about it stage and wondering if there is anything that I can or should do. Troubling.

Gotta go....pleasant dreams.

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