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March 9, 2004, Tuesday

Sunny and quite warm all day.

An okay day today. This morning I went to the apartment and just went to sleep! I was so tired. I stayed up a bit too late last night.

Work was a bit sad today. I did start expecting to be busy, but then a bunch of people didn't show up. Sigh. All in all, I only had 3 classes today, out of 6. Yikes. I guess everyone is really busy at this time of year.

The good thing about not having many classes is that I was able to leave right at the end of my shift. Hurray! Fumihiko came and got me and we went to M's Dining. It was quite nice tonight. He had pasta and I had chicken and pepper sauce. It was really spicy.

And basically that was my day. A bit sad work wise, but okay. I hope tomorrow is okay too!

Night night!

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