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March 10, 2004-Wednesday

Glorious spring day! Is it finally here?

A great day today! I went out for a walk this morning when I went to the apartment. I didn't go for a really long time, but it was enjoyable. I told myself that if I went out for a few minutes I could stop anytime that I wanted to. So, I went out. I made a detour through the post office, and then I walked. Boy, was it a good feeling today. I felt so great when I finished. I didn't want to finish at that point!

Work was fine today. I didn't have many classes, so I got planning done for today and I did some work on my project for our textbook department. I'm not sure if it's good or not. Guess I'll find out soon.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and brought me back home. He bought more strawberries and cream so we had a lovely dessert. He's very sweet, my hubby!

Then, we did dishes and came upstairs. We're now watching the bonus stuff on the Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Rings. It's quite interesting.

That was my day. Pretty good huh?

Night night!

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