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March 11, 2004-Thursday

Rainy and stormy most of the day, clearing at night.

What a grey day. It was so hard to get up this morning as it didn't look like morning yet. It stayed grey all day. Everyone, not just me seemed sleepy!

I had an okay day at work. I had 4 lessons out of 6 today, so at least I got over half for a change! Gets a bit depressing it does. Tomorrow I'll be on my own for 5 hours...I'll get to do some writing for the textbook I hope.

After work, Fumihiko took me to Cocos where I had a hamburger, some mushrooms and a salad. And a lot of tea. And a cappuchino. Sigh. Caffeine late at night is NOT a good thing. Repeat that Helen, NOT a good thing. When will I learn? Maybe never.

We came home and I looked up some stuff on the internet. I also deleted a bunch of spam that I got. Recently I have just about doubled the amount I get. A lot of it is carrying viruses too, so I just thank my lucky stars that I have a Mac.

I should run. It's a bit late. Have a good night/day.

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